

The datasets package contains several usual datasets for image classification tasks and some dataset wrappers.

Custom Dataset

class mmpretrain.datasets.CustomDataset(data_root='', data_prefix='', ann_file='', with_label=True, extensions=('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.ppm', '.bmp', '.pgm', '.tif'), metainfo=None, lazy_init=False, **kwargs)[source]

A generic dataset for multiple tasks.

The dataset supports two kinds of style.

  1. Use an annotation file to specify all samples, and each line indicates a sample:

    The annotation file (for with_label=True, supervised tasks.):

    folder_1/xxx.png 0
    folder_1/xxy.png 1
    123.png 4
    nsdf3.png 3

    The annotation file (for with_label=False, unsupervised tasks.):


    Sample files:

    ├── folder_1
    │   ├── xxx.png
    │   ├── xxy.png
    │   └── ...
    ├── 123.png
    ├── nsdf3.png
    └── ...

    Please use the argument metainfo to specify extra information for the task, like {'classes': ('bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog')}.

  2. Place all samples in one folder as below:

    Sample files (for with_label=True, supervised tasks, we use the name of sub-folders as the categories names):

    ├── class_x
    │   ├── xxx.png
    │   ├── xxy.png
    │   └── ...
    │       └── xxz.png
    └── class_y
        ├── 123.png
        ├── nsdf3.png
        ├── ...
        └── asd932_.png

    Sample files (for with_label=False, unsupervised tasks, we use all sample files under the specified folder):

    ├── folder_1
    │   ├── xxx.png
    │   ├── xxy.png
    │   └── ...
    ├── 123.png
    ├── nsdf3.png
    └── ...

If the ann_file is specified, the dataset will be generated by the first way, otherwise, try the second way.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory for data_prefix and ann_file. Defaults to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (str | dict) – Prefix for the data. Defaults to ‘’.

  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path. Defaults to ‘’.

  • with_label (bool) – Whether the annotation file includes ground truth labels, or use sub-folders to specify categories. Defaults to True.

  • extensions (Sequence[str]) – A sequence of allowed extensions. Defaults to (‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’, ‘.png’, ‘.ppm’, ‘.bmp’, ‘.pgm’, ‘.tif’).

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as class information. Defaults to None.

  • lazy_init (bool) – Whether to load annotation during instantiation. In some cases, such as visualization, only the meta information of the dataset is needed, which is not necessary to load annotation file. Basedataset can skip load annotations to save time by set lazy_init=False. Defaults to False.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.


class mmpretrain.datasets.ImageNet(data_root='', split='', data_prefix='', ann_file='', metainfo=None, **kwargs)[source]

ImageNet Dataset.

The dataset supports two kinds of directory format,

├── train
│   ├──class_x
|   |   ├── x1.jpg
|   |   ├── x2.jpg
|   |   └── ...
│   ├── class_y
|   |   ├── y1.jpg
|   |   ├── y2.jpg
|   |   └── ...
|   └── ...
├── val
│   ├──class_x
|   |   └── ...
│   ├── class_y
|   |   └── ...
|   └── ...
└── test
    ├── test1.jpg
    ├── test2.jpg
    └── ...


├── train
│   ├── x1.jpg
│   ├── y1.jpg
│   └── ...
├── val
│   ├── x3.jpg
│   ├── y3.jpg
│   └── ...
├── test
│   ├── test1.jpg
│   ├── test2.jpg
│   └── ...
└── meta
    ├── train.txt
    └── val.txt
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for data_prefix and ann_file. Defaults to ‘’.

  • split (str) – The dataset split, supports “train”, “val” and “test”. Default to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (str | dict) – Prefix for training data. Defaults to ‘’.

  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path. Defaults to ‘’.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as class information. Defaults to None.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in CustomDataset and BaseDataset.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import ImageNet
>>> train_dataset = ImageNet(data_root='data/imagenet', split='train')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset ImageNet
    Number of samples:  1281167
    Number of categories:       1000
    Root of dataset:    data/imagenet
>>> test_dataset = ImageNet(data_root='data/imagenet', split='val')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset ImageNet
    Number of samples:  50000
    Number of categories:       1000
    Root of dataset:    data/imagenet
class mmpretrain.datasets.ImageNet21k(data_root='', split='', data_prefix='', ann_file='', metainfo=None, multi_label=False, **kwargs)[source]

ImageNet21k Dataset.

Since the dataset ImageNet21k is extremely big, contains 21k+ classes and 1.4B files. We won’t provide the default categories list. Please specify it from the classes argument. The dataset directory structure is as follows,

ImageNet21k dataset directory

├── train
│   ├──class_x
|   |   ├── x1.jpg
|   |   ├── x2.jpg
|   |   └── ...
│   ├── class_y
|   |   ├── y1.jpg
|   |   ├── y2.jpg
|   |   └── ...
|   └── ...
└── meta
    └── train.txt
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for data_prefix and ann_file. Defaults to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (str | dict) – Prefix for training data. Defaults to ‘’.

  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path. Defaults to ‘’.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as class information. Defaults to None.

  • multi_label (bool) – Not implement by now. Use multi label or not. Defaults to False.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in CustomDataset and BaseDataset.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import ImageNet21k
>>> train_dataset = ImageNet21k(data_root='data/imagenet21k', split='train')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset ImageNet21k
    Number of samples:  14197088
    Annotation file:    data/imagenet21k/meta/train.txt
    Prefix of images:   data/imagenet21k/train


class mmpretrain.datasets.CIFAR10(data_root='', split='train', metainfo=None, download=True, data_prefix='', test_mode=False, **kwargs)[source]

CIFAR10 Dataset.

This implementation is modified from

  • data_root (str) – The root directory of the CIFAR Dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as categories information. Defaults to None.

  • download (bool) – Whether to download the dataset if not exists. Defaults to True.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.

class mmpretrain.datasets.CIFAR100(data_root='', split='train', metainfo=None, download=True, data_prefix='', test_mode=False, **kwargs)[source]

CIFAR100 Dataset.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory of the CIFAR Dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as categories information. Defaults to None.

  • download (bool) – Whether to download the dataset if not exists. Defaults to True.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.


class mmpretrain.datasets.MNIST(data_root='', split='train', metainfo=None, download=True, data_prefix='', test_mode=False, **kwargs)[source]

MNIST Dataset.

This implementation is modified from

  • data_root (str) – The root directory of the MNIST Dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as categories information. Defaults to None.

  • download (bool) – Whether to download the dataset if not exists. Defaults to True.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.

class mmpretrain.datasets.FashionMNIST(data_root='', split='train', metainfo=None, download=True, data_prefix='', test_mode=False, **kwargs)[source]

Fashion-MNIST Dataset.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory of the MNIST Dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as categories information. Defaults to None.

  • download (bool) – Whether to download the dataset if not exists. Defaults to True.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.


class mmpretrain.datasets.VOC(data_root, split='trainval', image_set_path='', data_prefix={'ann_path': 'Annotations', 'img_path': 'JPEGImages'}, test_mode=False, metainfo=None, **kwargs)[source]

Pascal VOC Dataset.

After decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows:

VOC dataset directory:

├── JPEGImages
│   ├── xxx.jpg
│   ├── xxy.jpg
│   └── ...
├── Annotations
│   ├── xxx.xml
│   ├── xxy.xml
│   └── ...
└── ImageSets
    └── Main
        ├── train.txt
        ├── val.txt
        ├── trainval.txt
        ├── test.txt
        └── ...

Extra difficult label is in VOC annotations, we will use gt_label_difficult to record the difficult labels in each sample and corresponding evaluation should take care of this field to calculate metrics. Usually, difficult labels are reckoned as negative in defaults.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory for VOC dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train”, “val”, “trainval”, and “test”. Default to “trainval”.

  • image_set_path (str, optional) – The path of image set, The file which lists image ids of the sub dataset, and this path is relative to data_root. Default to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (dict) – Prefix for data and annotation, keyword ‘img_path’ and ‘ann_path’ can be set. Defaults to be dict(img_path='JPEGImages', ann_path='Annotations').

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as categories information. Defaults to None.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import VOC
>>> train_dataset = VOC(data_root='data/VOC2007', split='trainval')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset VOC
    Number of samples:  5011
    Number of categories:       20
    Prefix of dataset:  data/VOC2007
    Path of image set:  data/VOC2007/ImageSets/Main/trainval.txt
    Prefix of images:   data/VOC2007/JPEGImages
    Prefix of annotations:      data/VOC2007/Annotations
>>> test_dataset = VOC(data_root='data/VOC2007', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset VOC
    Number of samples:  4952
    Number of categories:       20
    Prefix of dataset:  data/VOC2007
    Path of image set:  data/VOC2007/ImageSets/Main/test.txt
    Prefix of images:   data/VOC2007/JPEGImages
    Prefix of annotations:      data/VOC2007/Annotations


class mmpretrain.datasets.CUB(data_root, split='train', test_mode=False, **kwargs)[source]

The CUB-200-2011 Dataset.

Support the CUB-200-2011 Dataset. Comparing with the CUB-200 Dataset, there are much more pictures in CUB-200-2011. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

CUB dataset directory:

├── images
│   ├── class_x
│   │   ├── xx1.jpg
│   │   ├── xx2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── class_y
│   │   ├── yy1.jpg
│   │   ├── yy2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
├── images.txt
├── image_class_labels.txt
├── train_test_split.txt
└── ....
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for CUB-200-2011 dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import CUB
>>> train_dataset = CUB(data_root='data/CUB_200_2011', split='train')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset CUB
    Number of samples:  5994
    Number of categories:       200
    Root of dataset:    data/CUB_200_2011
>>> test_dataset = CUB(data_root='data/CUB_200_2011', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset CUB
    Number of samples:  5794
    Number of categories:       200
    Root of dataset:    data/CUB_200_2011


class mmpretrain.datasets.Places205(data_root='', data_prefix='', ann_file='', metainfo=None, **kwargs)[source]

Places205 Dataset.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory for data_prefix and ann_file. Defaults to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (str | dict) – Prefix for training data. Defaults to ‘’.

  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path. Defaults to ‘’.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as class information. Defaults to None.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in CustomDataset and BaseDataset.


class mmpretrain.datasets.InShop(data_root, split='train', data_prefix='Img', ann_file='Eval/list_eval_partition.txt', **kwargs)[source]

InShop Dataset for Image Retrieval.

Please download the images from the homepage ‘’ (In-shop Clothes Retrieval Benchmark -> Img ->, Eval/list_eval_partition.txt), and organize them as follows way:

In-shop Clothes Retrieval Benchmark (data_root)/
   ├── Eval /
   │    └── list_eval_partition.txt (ann_file)
   ├── Img (img_prefix)
   │    └── img/
   ├── README.txt
   └── .....
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for dataset.

  • split (str) – Choose from ‘train’, ‘query’ and ‘gallery’. Defaults to ‘train’.

  • data_prefix (str | dict) – Prefix for training data. Defaults to ‘Img’.

  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path, path relative to data_root. Defaults to ‘Eval/list_eval_partition.txt’.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import InShop
>>> # build train InShop dataset
>>> inshop_train_cfg = dict(data_root='data/inshop', split='train')
>>> inshop_train = InShop(**inshop_train_cfg)
>>> inshop_train
Dataset InShop
    Number of samples:  25882
    The `CLASSES` meta info is not set.
    Root of dataset:    data/inshop
>>> # build query InShop dataset
>>> inshop_query_cfg =  dict(data_root='data/inshop', split='query')
>>> inshop_query = InShop(**inshop_query_cfg)
>>> inshop_query
Dataset InShop
    Number of samples:  14218
    The `CLASSES` meta info is not set.
    Root of dataset:    data/inshop
>>> # build gallery InShop dataset
>>> inshop_gallery_cfg = dict(data_root='data/inshop', split='gallery')
>>> inshop_gallery = InShop(**inshop_gallery_cfg)
>>> inshop_gallery
Dataset InShop
    Number of samples:  12612
    The `CLASSES` meta info is not set.
    Root of dataset:    data/inshop

Base classes

class mmpretrain.datasets.BaseDataset(ann_file, metainfo=None, data_root='', data_prefix='', filter_cfg=None, indices=None, serialize_data=True, pipeline=(), test_mode=False, lazy_init=False, max_refetch=1000, classes=None)[source]

Base dataset for image classification task.

This dataset support annotation file in OpenMMLab 2.0 style annotation format.

Comparing with the mmengine.BaseDataset, this class implemented several useful methods.

  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as class information. Defaults to None.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory for data_prefix and ann_file. Defaults to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (str | dict) – Prefix for training data. Defaults to ‘’.

  • filter_cfg (dict, optional) – Config for filter data. Defaults to None.

  • indices (int or Sequence[int], optional) – Support using first few data in annotation file to facilitate training/testing on a smaller dataset. Defaults to None, which means using all data_infos.

  • serialize_data (bool) – Whether to hold memory using serialized objects, when enabled, data loader workers can use shared RAM from master process instead of making a copy. Defaults to True.

  • pipeline (Sequence) – Processing pipeline. Defaults to an empty tuple.

  • test_mode (bool, optional) – test_mode=True means in test phase, an error will be raised when getting an item fails, test_mode=False means in training phase, another item will be returned randomly. Defaults to False.

  • lazy_init (bool) – Whether to load annotation during instantiation. In some cases, such as visualization, only the meta information of the dataset is needed, which is not necessary to load annotation file. Basedataset can skip load annotations to save time by set lazy_init=False. Defaults to False.

  • max_refetch (int) – If Basedataset.prepare_data get a None img. The maximum extra number of cycles to get a valid image. Defaults to 1000.

  • classes (str | Sequence[str], optional) –

    Specify names of classes.

    • If is string, it should be a file path, and the every line of the file is a name of a class.

    • If is a sequence of string, every item is a name of class.

    • If is None, use categories information in metainfo argument, annotation file or the class attribute METAINFO.

    Defaults to None.

class mmpretrain.datasets.MultiLabelDataset(ann_file, metainfo=None, data_root='', data_prefix='', filter_cfg=None, indices=None, serialize_data=True, pipeline=(), test_mode=False, lazy_init=False, max_refetch=1000, classes=None)[source]

Multi-label Dataset.

This dataset support annotation file in OpenMMLab 2.0 style annotation format.

The annotation format is shown as follows.

      "classes":['A', 'B', 'C'....]
        "img_path": "test_img1.jpg",
        'gt_label': [0, 1],
        "img_path": "test_img2.jpg",
        'gt_label': [2],
  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path.

  • metainfo (dict, optional) – Meta information for dataset, such as class information. Defaults to None.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory for data_prefix and ann_file. Defaults to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (str | dict) – Prefix for training data. Defaults to ‘’.

  • filter_cfg (dict, optional) – Config for filter data. Defaults to None.

  • indices (int or Sequence[int], optional) – Support using first few data in annotation file to facilitate training/testing on a smaller dataset. Defaults to None which means using all data_infos.

  • serialize_data (bool, optional) – Whether to hold memory using serialized objects, when enabled, data loader workers can use shared RAM from master process instead of making a copy. Defaults to True.

  • pipeline (list, optional) – Processing pipeline. Defaults to [].

  • test_mode (bool, optional) – test_mode=True means in test phase. Defaults to False.

  • lazy_init (bool, optional) – Whether to load annotation during instantiation. In some cases, such as visualization, only the meta information of the dataset is needed, which is not necessary to load annotation file. Basedataset can skip load annotations to save time by set lazy_init=False. Defaults to False.

  • max_refetch (int, optional) – If Basedataset.prepare_data get a None img. The maximum extra number of cycles to get a valid image. Defaults to 1000.

  • classes (str | Sequence[str], optional) –

    Specify names of classes.

    • If is string, it should be a file path, and the every line of the file is a name of a class.

    • If is a sequence of string, every item is a name of class.

    • If is None, use categories information in metainfo argument, annotation file or the class attribute METAINFO.

    Defaults to None.


class mmpretrain.datasets.Caltech101(data_root, split='train', **kwargs)[source]

The Caltech101 Dataset.

Support the Caltech101 Dataset. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

Caltech101 dataset directory:

├── 101_ObjectCategories
│   ├── class_x
│   │   ├── xx1.jpg
│   │   ├── xx2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── class_y
│   │   ├── yy1.jpg
│   │   ├── yy2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
├── Annotations
│   ├── class_x
│   │   ├── xx1.mat
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
├── meta
│   ├── train.txt
│   └── test.txt
└── ....

Please note that since there is no official splitting for training and test set, you can use the train.txt and text.txt provided by us or create your own annotation files. Here is the download link for the annotations.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory for the Caltech101 dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import Caltech101
>>> train_dataset = Caltech101(data_root='data/caltech-101', split='train')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset Caltech101
    Number of samples:  3060
    Number of categories:       102
    Root of dataset:    data/caltech-101
>>> test_dataset = Caltech101(data_root='data/caltech-101', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset Caltech101
    Number of samples:  6728
    Number of categories:       102
    Root of dataset:    data/caltech-101


class mmpretrain.datasets.Food101(data_root, split='train', **kwargs)[source]

The Food101 Dataset.

Support the Food101 Dataset Dataset. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

Food101 dataset directory:

├── images
│   ├── class_x
│   │   ├── xx1.jpg
│   │   ├── xx2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── class_y
│   │   ├── yy1.jpg
│   │   ├── yy2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
├── meta
│   ├── train.txt
│   └── test.txt
└── ....
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for Food101 dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import Food101
>>> train_dataset = Food101(data_root='data/food-101', split='train')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset Food101
    Number of samples:  75750
    Number of categories:       101
    Root of dataset:    data/food-101
>>> test_dataset = Food101(data_root='data/food-101', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset Food101
    Number of samples:  25250
    Number of categories:       101
    Root of dataset:    data/food-101


class mmpretrain.datasets.DTD(data_root, split='trainval', **kwargs)[source]

The Describable Texture Dataset (DTD).

Support the Describable Texture Dataset Dataset. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

DTD dataset directory:

├── images
│   ├── banded
|   |   ├──banded_0002.jpg
|   |   ├──banded_0004.jpg
|   |   └── ...
│   └── ...
├── imdb
│   └── imdb.mat
├── labels
|   |   ├──labels_joint_anno.txt
|   |   ├──test1.txt
|   |   ├──test2.txt
|   |   └── ...
│   └── ...
└── ....
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for Describable Texture dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train”, “val”, “trainval”, and “test”. Default to “trainval”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import DTD
>>> train_dataset = DTD(data_root='data/dtd', split='trainval')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset DTD
    Number of samples:  3760
    Number of categories:       47
    Root of dataset:    data/dtd
>>> test_dataset = DTD(data_root='data/dtd', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset DTD
    Number of samples:  1880
    Number of categories:       47
    Root of dataset:    data/dtd


class mmpretrain.datasets.FGVCAircraft(data_root, split='trainval', **kwargs)[source]

The FGVC_Aircraft Dataset.

Support the FGVC_Aircraft Dataset Dataset. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

FGVC_Aircraft dataset directory:

└── data
    ├── images
    │   ├── 1.jpg
    │   ├── 2.jpg
    │   └── ...
    ├── images_variant_train.txt
    ├── images_variant_test.txt
    ├── images_variant_trainval.txt
    ├── images_variant_val.txt
    ├── variants.txt
    └── ....
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for FGVC_Aircraft dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train”, “val”, “trainval”, and “test”. Default to “trainval”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import FGVCAircraft
>>> train_dataset = FGVCAircraft(data_root='data/fgvc-aircraft-2013b', split='trainval')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset FGVCAircraft
    Number of samples:  6667
    Number of categories:       100
    Root of dataset:    data/fgvc-aircraft-2013b
>>> test_dataset = FGVCAircraft(data_root='data/fgvc-aircraft-2013b', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset FGVCAircraft
    Number of samples:  3333
    Number of categories:       100
    Root of dataset:    data/fgvc-aircraft-2013b


class mmpretrain.datasets.Flowers102(data_root, split='trainval', **kwargs)[source]

The Oxford 102 Flower Dataset.

Support the Oxford 102 Flowers Dataset Dataset. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

Flowers102 dataset directory:

├── jpg
│   ├── image_00001.jpg
│   ├── image_00002.jpg
│   └── ...
├── imagelabels.mat
├── setid.mat
└── ...
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for Oxford 102 Flowers dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train”, “val”, “trainval”, and “test”. Default to “trainval”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import Flowers102
>>> train_dataset = Flowers102(data_root='data/Flowers102', split='trainval')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset Flowers102
    Number of samples:  2040
    Root of dataset:    data/Flowers102
>>> test_dataset = Flowers102(data_root='data/Flowers102', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset Flowers102
    Number of samples:  6149
    Root of dataset:    data/Flowers102


class mmpretrain.datasets.StanfordCars(data_root, split='train', **kwargs)[source]

The Stanford Cars Dataset.

Support the Stanford Cars Dataset Dataset. The official website provides two ways to organize the dataset. Therefore, after downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

Stanford Cars dataset directory:

├── car_ims
│   ├── 00001.jpg
│   ├── 00002.jpg
│   └── ...
└── cars_annos.mat


├── cars_train
│   ├── 00001.jpg
│   ├── 00002.jpg
│   └── ...
├── cars_test
│   ├── 00001.jpg
│   ├── 00002.jpg
│   └── ...
└── devkit
    ├── cars_meta.mat
    ├── cars_train_annos.mat
    ├── cars_test_annos.mat
    ├── cars_test_annoswithlabels.mat
    ├── eval_train.m
    └── train_perfect_preds.txt
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for Stanford Cars dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import StanfordCars
>>> train_dataset = StanfordCars(data_root='data/Stanford_Cars', split='train')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset StanfordCars
    Number of samples:  8144
    Number of categories:       196
    Root of dataset:    data/Stanford_Cars
>>> test_dataset = StanfordCars(data_root='data/Stanford_Cars', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset StanfordCars
    Number of samples:  8041
    Number of categories:       196
    Root of dataset:    data/Stanford_Cars


class mmpretrain.datasets.OxfordIIITPet(data_root, split='trainval', **kwargs)[source]

The Oxford-IIIT Pets Dataset.

Support the Oxford-IIIT Pets Dataset Dataset. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

Oxford-IIIT_Pets dataset directory:

├── images
│   ├── Abyssinian_1.jpg
│   ├── Abyssinian_2.jpg
│   └── ...
├── annotations
│   ├── trainval.txt
│   ├── test.txt
│   ├── list.txt
│   └── ...
└── ....
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for Oxford-IIIT Pets dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “trainval” and “test”. Default to “trainval”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import OxfordIIITPet
>>> train_dataset = OxfordIIITPet(data_root='data/Oxford-IIIT_Pets', split='trainval')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset OxfordIIITPet
    Number of samples:  3680
    Number of categories:       37
    Root of dataset:    data/Oxford-IIIT_Pets
>>> test_dataset = OxfordIIITPet(data_root='data/Oxford-IIIT_Pets', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset OxfordIIITPet
    Number of samples:  3669
    Number of categories:       37
    Root of dataset:    data/Oxford-IIIT_Pets


class mmpretrain.datasets.SUN397(data_root, split='train', **kwargs)[source]

The SUN397 Dataset.

Support the SUN397 Dataset Dataset. After downloading and decompression, the dataset directory structure is as follows.

SUN397 dataset directory:

├── SUN397
│   ├── a
│   │   ├── abbey
│   |   |   ├── sun_aaalbzqrimafwbiv.jpg
│   |   |   └── ...
│   │   ├── airplane_cabin
│   |   |   ├── sun_aadqdkqaslqqoblu.jpg
│   |   |   └── ...
│   |   └── ...
│   ├── b
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── c
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
└── Partitions
    ├── ClassName.txt
    ├── Training_01.txt
    ├── Testing_01.txt
    └── ...
  • data_root (str) – The root directory for Stanford Cars dataset.

  • split (str, optional) – The dataset split, supports “train” and “test”. Default to “train”.


>>> from mmpretrain.datasets import SUN397
>>> train_dataset = SUN397(data_root='data/SUN397', split='train')
>>> train_dataset
Dataset SUN397
    Number of samples:  19850
    Number of categories:       397
    Root of dataset:    data/SUN397
>>> test_dataset = SUN397(data_root='data/SUN397', split='test')
>>> test_dataset
Dataset SUN397
    Number of samples:  19850
    Number of categories:       397
    Root of dataset:    data/SUN397

Note that some images are not a jpg file although the name ends with “.jpg”. The backend of SUN397 should be “pillow” as below to read these images properly,

pipeline = [
    dict(type='LoadImageFromFile', imdecode_backend='pillow'),
    dict(type='RandomResizedCrop', scale=224),


class mmpretrain.datasets.RefCOCO(data_root, ann_file, data_prefix, split_file, split='train', **kwargs)[source]

RefCOCO dataset.

RefCOCO is a popular dataset used for the task of visual grounding. Here are the steps for accessing and utilizing the RefCOCO dataset.

You can access the RefCOCO dataset from the official source:

The RefCOCO dataset is organized in a structured format:

    'coco_annotations': Sequence({
        'area': int64,
        'bbox': BBoxFeature(shape=(4,), dtype=float32),
        'id': int64,
        'label': int64,
    'image': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=uint8),
    'image/id': int64,
    'objects': Sequence({
        'area': int64,
        'bbox': BBoxFeature(shape=(4,), dtype=float32),
        'gt_box_index': int64,
        'id': int64,
        'label': int64,
        'refexp': Sequence({
            'raw': Text(shape=(), dtype=string),
            'refexp_id': int64,
  • ann_file (str) – Annotation file path.

  • data_root (str) – The root directory for data_prefix and ann_file. Defaults to ‘’.

  • data_prefix (str) – Prefix for training data.

  • pipeline (Sequence) – Processing pipeline. Defaults to an empty tuple.

  • **kwargs – Other keyword arguments in BaseDataset.

Dataset Wrappers

class mmpretrain.datasets.KFoldDataset(dataset, fold=0, num_splits=5, test_mode=False, seed=None)[source]

A wrapper of dataset for K-Fold cross-validation.

K-Fold cross-validation divides all the samples in groups of samples, called folds, of almost equal sizes. And we use k-1 of folds to do training and use the fold left to do validation.

  • dataset (mmengine.dataset.BaseDataset | dict) – The dataset to be divided

  • fold (int) – The fold used to do validation. Defaults to 0.

  • num_splits (int) – The number of all folds. Defaults to 5.

  • test_mode (bool) – Use the training dataset or validation dataset. Defaults to False.

  • seed (int, optional) – The seed to shuffle the dataset before splitting. If None, not shuffle the dataset. Defaults to None.

The dataset wrappers in the MMEngine can be directly used in MMPreTrain.


A wrapper of concatenated dataset.


A wrapper of repeated dataset.


A wrapper of class balanced dataset.

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