
mmpretrain.models.multimodal.blip2.blip2_retriever 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import mmengine.dist as dist
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine.utils import track_iter_progress

from mmpretrain.registry import MODELS, TOKENIZER
from mmpretrain.structures import DataSample
from ..blip.blip_retrieval import BlipRetrieval, all_gather_concat

[文档]@MODELS.register_module() class Blip2Retrieval(BlipRetrieval): """BLIP2 Retriever. Args: vision_backbone (dict): Backbone for extracting image features. text_backbone (dict): Backbone for extracting text features. multimodal_backbone (Optional[dict]): Backbone for extracting multi-modal features. vision_neck (Optional[dict]): The neck module to process image features from vision backbone. Defaults to None. text_neck (Optional[dict]): The neck module to process text features from text backbone. Defaults to None. head (Optional[Union[List[dict], dict]]): The head module to calculate loss from processed single modality features. See :mod:`mmmultimodal.models.heads`. Notice that if the head is not set, `loss` method cannot be used. Defaults to None. multimodal_head (Optional[Union[List[dict], dict]]): The multi-modal head module to calculate loss from processed multimodal features. See :mod:`mmmultimodal.models.heads`. Notice that if the head is not set, `loss` method cannot be used. Defaults to None. tokenizer (Optional[dict]): The config for tokenizer. Defaults to None. temperature (float): Temperature parameter that controls the concentration level of the distribution. Defaults to 0.07. fast_match (bool): If False, select topk similarity as candidates and compute the matching score. If True, return the similarity as the matching score directly. Defaults to False. topk (int): Select topk similarity as candidates for compute matching scores. Notice that this is not the topk in evaluation. Defaults to 256. data_preprocessor (Optional[dict]): The config for preprocessing input data. If None or no specified type, it will use "MultiModalDataPreprocessor" as type. See :class:`MultiModalDataPreprocessor` for more details. Defaults to None. init_cfg (Optional[dict]): the config to control the initialization. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, vision_backbone: dict, text_backbone: Optional[dict] = None, multimodal_backbone: Optional[dict] = None, vision_neck: Optional[dict] = None, text_neck: Optional[dict] = None, head: Optional[Union[List[dict], dict]] = None, multimodal_head: Optional[Union[List[dict], dict]] = None, tokenizer: Optional[dict] = None, temperature: float = 0.07, fast_match: bool = False, topk: int = 256, data_preprocessor: Optional[dict] = None, init_cfg: Optional[dict] = None) -> None: if data_preprocessor is None: data_preprocessor = {} if isinstance(data_preprocessor, dict): data_preprocessor.setdefault('type', 'MultiModalDataPreprocessor') data_preprocessor = # Skip BlipRetrieval init super(BlipRetrieval, self).__init__( init_cfg=init_cfg, data_preprocessor=data_preprocessor) self.vision_backbone = self.ln_vision_backbone = nn.LayerNorm(self.vision_backbone.embed_dims) self.tokenizer = if text_backbone is not None: self.text_backbone = if multimodal_backbone is not None: self.multimodal_backbone = self.multimodal_backbone.resize_token_embeddings( len(self.tokenizer)) self.query_tokens = nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(1, self.multimodal_backbone.bert.config.query_length, self.multimodal_backbone.bert.config.hidden_size)) mean=0.0, std=self.multimodal_backbone.bert.config.initializer_range) if vision_neck is not None: self.vision_neck = if text_neck is not None: self.text_neck = if head is not None: self.head = if multimodal_head is not None: self.multimodal_head = self.temp = nn.Parameter(temperature * torch.ones([])) # Notice that this topk is used for select k candidate to compute # image-text score, but not the final metric topk in evaluation. self.fast_match = fast_match self.topk = topk def _extract_feat(self, inputs: Union[torch.Tensor, dict], modality: str) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """Extract features from the single modality. Args: inputs (Union[torch.Tensor, dict]): A batch of inputs. For image, a tensor of shape (N, C, ...) in general. For text, a dict of tokenized text inputs. modality (str): Modality feature to be extracted. Only two options are supported. - ``images``: Only extract image features, mostly used for inference. - ``texts``: Only extract text features, mostly used for inference. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor]: The output features. """ if modality == 'images': # extract image features # TODO: # Add layernorm inside backbone and handle the concat outside image_embeds = self.ln_vision_backbone( self.vision_backbone(inputs)[0]) image_atts = torch.ones( image_embeds.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) query_tokens = self.query_tokens.expand(image_embeds.shape[0], -1, -1) query_output = self.multimodal_backbone.bert( query_embeds=query_tokens, encoder_hidden_states=image_embeds, encoder_attention_mask=image_atts, use_cache=True, return_dict=True, ) image_feat = F.normalize( self.vision_neck([query_output.last_hidden_state]), dim=-1) return { 'image_embeds': image_embeds, 'image_feat': image_feat, 'query_output': query_output } elif modality == 'texts': # extract text features text_output = self.multimodal_backbone.bert( inputs.input_ids, attention_mask=inputs.attention_mask, return_dict=True, ) text_embeds = text_output.last_hidden_state text_feat = F.normalize( self.text_neck([text_embeds[:, 0, :]]), dim=-1) return {'text_embeds': text_embeds, 'text_feat': text_feat} else: raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid modality "{modality}".')
[文档] def loss( self, images: torch.Tensor, data_samples: Optional[List[DataSample]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, torch.tensor]: """Calculate losses from a batch of inputs and data samples. Args: inputs (dict): A batch of inputs. The input tensor with of at least one modality. For image, the value is a tensor of shape (N, C, ...) in general. For text, the value is a dict of tokenized text inputs. data_samples (Optional[List[DataSample]]): The annotation data of every samples. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict[str, torch.tensor]: a dictionary of loss components of both head and multimodal head. """ output = self.extract_feat(images, data_samples) text_ids = output['text_ids'] text_attn_mask = output['text_attn_mask'] image_embeds = output['image_embeds'] image_feat = output['image_feat'] text_feat = output['text_feat'] query_output = output['query_output'] # ITC Loss # B*world_size, num_query, D image_feat_all = # B*world_size, D text_feat_all = # B, B*world_size, num_query sim_q2t = torch.matmul( image_feat.unsqueeze(1), text_feat_all.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze() # image to text similarity sim_i2t, _ = sim_q2t.max(-1) sim_i2t = sim_i2t / self.temp # B, B*world_size, num_query sim_t2q = torch.matmul( text_feat.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1), image_feat_all.permute(0, 2, 1)).squeeze() # text-image similarity sim_t2i, _ = sim_t2q.max(-1) sim_t2i = sim_t2i / self.temp rank = dist.get_rank() bs = images.size(0) targets = torch.linspace( rank * bs, rank * bs + bs - 1, bs, dtype=int).to(self.device) itc_loss = (F.cross_entropy(sim_i2t, targets, label_smoothing=0.1) + F.cross_entropy(sim_t2i, targets, label_smoothing=0.1)) / 2 # prepare for itm text_input_ids_world = text_attention_mask_world = image_embeds_world = with torch.no_grad(): weights_t2i = F.softmax(sim_t2i, dim=1) + 1e-4 weights_t2i[:, rank * bs:rank * bs + bs].fill_diagonal_(0) weights_i2t = F.softmax(sim_i2t, dim=1) + 1e-4 weights_i2t[:, rank * bs:rank * bs + bs].fill_diagonal_(0) # select a negative image for each text image_embeds_neg = [] for b in range(bs): neg_idx = torch.multinomial(weights_t2i[b], 1).item() image_embeds_neg.append(image_embeds_world[neg_idx]) image_embeds_neg = torch.stack(image_embeds_neg, dim=0) # select a negative text for each image text_ids_neg = [] text_atts_neg = [] for b in range(bs): neg_idx = torch.multinomial(weights_i2t[b], 1).item() text_ids_neg.append(text_input_ids_world[neg_idx]) text_atts_neg.append(text_attention_mask_world[neg_idx]) text_ids_neg = torch.stack(text_ids_neg, dim=0) text_atts_neg = torch.stack(text_atts_neg, dim=0) text_ids_all =[text_ids, text_ids, text_ids_neg], dim=0) # pos, pos, neg text_atts_all = [text_attn_mask, text_attn_mask, text_atts_neg], dim=0, ) query_tokens_itm = self.query_tokens.expand(text_ids_all.shape[0], -1, -1) query_atts_itm = torch.ones( query_tokens_itm.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) attention_mask_all =[query_atts_itm, text_atts_all], dim=1) image_embeds_all = [image_embeds, image_embeds_neg, image_embeds], dim=0) # pos, neg, pos image_atts_all = torch.ones( image_embeds_all.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) output_itm = self.multimodal_backbone.bert( text_ids_all, query_embeds=query_tokens_itm, attention_mask=attention_mask_all, encoder_hidden_states=image_embeds_all, encoder_attention_mask=image_atts_all, return_dict=True, ) vl_embeddings = output_itm.last_hidden_state[:, :query_tokens_itm. size(1), :] # create false data samples data_samples.extend( [DataSample(is_matched=False) for _ in range(2 * bs)]) loss_multimodal = self.multimodal_head.loss((vl_embeddings, ), data_samples) # LM loss decoder_input_ids = text_ids.clone() decoder_input_ids[:, 0] = self.tokenizer.bos_token_id labels = decoder_input_ids.masked_fill( decoder_input_ids == self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, -100) query_tokens = self.query_tokens.expand(image_embeds.shape[0], -1, -1) query_atts = torch.ones( query_tokens.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) attention_mask =[query_atts, text_attn_mask], dim=1) lm_output = self.multimodal_backbone( decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, past_key_values=query_output.past_key_values, return_dict=True, labels=labels, ) return dict( itc_loss=itc_loss, **loss_multimodal, lm_loss=lm_output.loss)
[文档] def predict_all(self, feats: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], data_samples: List[DataSample], num_images: int = None, num_texts: int = None, cal_i2t: bool = True, cal_t2i: bool = True) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Compute similarity matrix between images and texts across all ranks. Args: feats (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Features from the current rank. data_samples (List[DataSample]): Data samples from the current rank. num_images (int, optional): Number of images to use. Defaults to None. num_texts (int, optional): Number of texts to use. Defaults to None. cal_i2t (bool, optional): Whether to compute image-to-text similarity. Defaults to True. cal_t2i (bool, optional): Whether to compute text-to-image similarity. Defaults to True. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Image-to-text and text-to-image similarity matrices. """ text_ids = feats['text_ids'] text_attn_mask = feats['text_attn_mask'] image_embeds = feats.get('image_embeds', None) image_feat = feats['image_feat'] text_feat = feats['text_feat'] num_images = num_images or image_feat.size(0) num_texts = num_texts or text_feat.size(0) if not self.fast_match: image_embeds_all = all_gather_concat(image_embeds)[:num_images] else: image_embeds_all = None image_feat_all = all_gather_concat(image_feat)[:num_images] text_feat_all = all_gather_concat(text_feat)[:num_texts] text_ids_all = all_gather_concat(text_ids)[:num_texts] text_attn_mask_all = all_gather_concat(text_attn_mask)[:num_texts] results = [] if cal_i2t: result_i2t = self.compute_score_matrix_i2t( image_feat, image_embeds, text_feat_all, text_ids_all, text_attn_mask_all, ) results.append( self._get_predictions(result_i2t, data_samples, mode='i2t')) if cal_t2i: result_t2i = self.compute_score_matrix_t2i( image_feat_all, image_embeds_all, text_feat, text_ids, text_attn_mask, ) results.append( self._get_predictions(result_t2i, data_samples, mode='t2i')) return tuple(results)
[文档] def compute_score_matrix_i2t(self, img_feats: torch.Tensor, img_embeds: List[torch.Tensor], text_feats: torch.Tensor, text_ids: torch.Tensor, text_atts: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compare the score matrix for image-to-text retrieval. Every image should compare to all the text features. Args: img_feats (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (M, C). M stands for numbers of samples on a single GPU. img_embeds (List[torch.Tensor]): Image features from each layer of the vision backbone. text_feats (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (N, C). N stands for numbers of all samples on all GPUs. text_ids (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (N, C). text_atts (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (N, C). Returns: torch.Tensor: Score matrix of image-to-text retrieval. """ # compute i2t sim matrix # TODO: check correctness sim_matrix_i2t, _ = (img_feats @ text_feats.t()).max(1) if self.fast_match: return sim_matrix_i2t score_matrix_i2t = torch.full((img_feats.size(0), text_feats.size(0)), -100.0).to(self.device) for i in track_iter_progress(range(img_feats.size(0))): sims = sim_matrix_i2t[i] topk_sim, topk_idx = sims.topk(k=self.topk, dim=0) # get repeated image embeddings encoder_output = img_embeds[i].repeat(self.topk, 1, 1) encoder_att = torch.ones( encoder_output.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) # query embeds and attention masks query_tokens = self.query_tokens.expand(encoder_output.shape[0], -1, -1) query_atts = torch.ones( query_tokens.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) attention_mask =[query_atts, text_atts[topk_idx]], dim=1) output = self.multimodal_backbone.bert( text_ids[topk_idx], query_embeds=query_tokens, attention_mask=attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_output, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_att, return_dict=True, ) score = self.multimodal_head( (output.last_hidden_state[:, :query_tokens.size(1), :], ))[:, :, 1].mean(dim=1) score_matrix_i2t[i, topk_idx] = score + topk_sim return score_matrix_i2t
[文档] def compute_score_matrix_t2i(self, img_feats: torch.Tensor, img_embeds: List[torch.Tensor], text_feats: torch.Tensor, text_ids: torch.Tensor, text_atts: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compare the score matrix for text-to-image retrieval. Every text should compare to all the image features. Args: img_feats (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (N, C). N stands for numbers of all samples on all GPUs. img_embeds (List[torch.Tensor]): Image features from each layer of the vision backbone. text_feats (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (M, C). M stands for numbers of samples on a single GPU. text_ids (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (M, C). text_atts (torch.Tensor): The input tensor with shape (M, C). Returns: torch.Tensor: Score matrix of text-to-image retrieval. """ # compute t2i sim matrix # TODO: check correctness sim_matrix_i2t, _ = (img_feats @ text_feats.t()).max(1) sim_matrix_t2i = sim_matrix_i2t.t() if self.fast_match: return sim_matrix_i2t score_matrix_t2i = torch.full((text_feats.size(0), img_feats.size(0)), -100.0).to(self.device) for i in track_iter_progress(range(text_feats.size(0))): sims = sim_matrix_t2i[i] topk_sim, topk_idx = sims.topk(k=self.topk, dim=0) # get topk image embeddings encoder_output = img_embeds[topk_idx] encoder_att = torch.ones( encoder_output.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) # get query embeds and attention masks query_tokens = self.query_tokens.expand(encoder_output.shape[0], -1, -1) query_atts = torch.ones( query_tokens.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device) attention_mask = [query_atts, text_atts[i].repeat(self.topk, 1)], dim=1) output = self.multimodal_backbone.bert( text_ids[i].repeat(self.topk, 1), query_embeds=query_tokens, attention_mask=attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_output, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_att, return_dict=True, ) score = self.multimodal_head( (output.last_hidden_state[:, :query_tokens.size(1), :], ))[:, :, 1].mean(dim=1) score_matrix_t2i[i, topk_idx] = score + topk_sim return score_matrix_t2i