
mmpretrain.apis.model 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import fnmatch
import os.path as osp
import re
import warnings
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from mmengine.config import Config
from modelindex.load_model_index import load
from modelindex.models.Model import Model

class ModelHub:
    """A hub to host the meta information of all pre-defined models."""
    _models_dict = {}
    __mmpretrain_registered = False

    def register_model_index(cls,
                             model_index_path: Union[str, PathLike],
                             config_prefix: Union[str, PathLike, None] = None):
        """Parse the model-index file and register all models.

            model_index_path (str | PathLike): The path of the model-index
            config_prefix (str | PathLike | None): The prefix of all config
                file paths in the model-index file.
        model_index = load(str(model_index_path))

        for metainfo in model_index.models:
            model_name =
            if in cls._models_dict:
                raise ValueError(
                    'The model name {} is conflict in {} and {}.'.format(
                        model_name, osp.abspath(metainfo.filepath),
            metainfo.config = cls._expand_config_path(metainfo, config_prefix)
            cls._models_dict[model_name] = metainfo

    def get(cls, model_name):
        """Get the model's metainfo by the model name.

            model_name (str): The name of model.

            modelindex.models.Model: The metainfo of the specified model.
        # lazy load config
        metainfo = copy.deepcopy(cls._models_dict.get(model_name.lower()))
        if metainfo is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Failed to find model "{model_name}". please use '
                '`mmpretrain.list_models` to get all available names.')
        if isinstance(metainfo.config, str):
            metainfo.config = Config.fromfile(metainfo.config)
        return metainfo

    def _expand_config_path(metainfo: Model,
                            config_prefix: Union[str, PathLike] = None):
        if config_prefix is None:
            config_prefix = osp.dirname(metainfo.filepath)

        if metainfo.config is None or osp.isabs(metainfo.config):
            config_path: str = metainfo.config
            config_path = osp.abspath(osp.join(config_prefix, metainfo.config))

        return config_path

    def _register_mmpretrain_models(cls):
        # register models in mmpretrain
        if not cls.__mmpretrain_registered:
            from importlib_metadata import distribution
            root = distribution('mmpretrain').locate_file('mmpretrain')
            model_index_path = root / '.mim' / 'model-index.yml'
                model_index_path, config_prefix=root / '.mim')
            cls.__mmpretrain_registered = True

    def has(cls, model_name):
        """Whether a model name is in the ModelHub."""
        return model_name in cls._models_dict

[文档]def get_model(model: Union[str, Config], pretrained: Union[str, bool] = False, device=None, device_map=None, offload_folder=None, url_mapping: Tuple[str, str] = None, **kwargs): """Get a pre-defined model or create a model from config. Args: model (str | Config): The name of model, the config file path or a config instance. pretrained (bool | str): When use name to specify model, you can use ``True`` to load the pre-defined pretrained weights. And you can also use a string to specify the path or link of weights to load. Defaults to False. device (str | torch.device | None): Transfer the model to the target device. Defaults to None. device_map (str | dict | None): A map that specifies where each submodule should go. It doesn't need to be refined to each parameter/buffer name, once a given module name is inside, every submodule of it will be sent to the same device. You can use `device_map="auto"` to automatically generate the device map. Defaults to None. offload_folder (str | None): If the `device_map` contains any value `"disk"`, the folder where we will offload weights. url_mapping (Tuple[str, str], optional): The mapping of pretrained checkpoint link. For example, load checkpoint from a local dir instead of download by ``('https://.*/', './checkpoint')``. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Other keyword arguments of the model config. Returns: mmengine.model.BaseModel: The result model. Examples: Get a ResNet-50 model and extract images feature: >>> import torch >>> from mmpretrain import get_model >>> inputs = torch.rand(16, 3, 224, 224) >>> model = get_model('resnet50_8xb32_in1k', pretrained=True, backbone=dict(out_indices=(0, 1, 2, 3))) >>> feats = model.extract_feat(inputs) >>> for feat in feats: ... print(feat.shape) torch.Size([16, 256]) torch.Size([16, 512]) torch.Size([16, 1024]) torch.Size([16, 2048]) Get Swin-Transformer model with pre-trained weights and inference: >>> from mmpretrain import get_model, inference_model >>> model = get_model('swin-base_16xb64_in1k', pretrained=True) >>> result = inference_model(model, 'demo/demo.JPEG') >>> print(result['pred_class']) 'sea snake' """ # noqa: E501 if device_map is not None: from .utils import dispatch_model dispatch_model._verify_require() metainfo = None if isinstance(model, Config): config = copy.deepcopy(model) if pretrained is True and 'load_from' in config: pretrained = config.load_from elif isinstance(model, (str, PathLike)) and Path(model).suffix == '.py': config = Config.fromfile(model) if pretrained is True and 'load_from' in config: pretrained = config.load_from elif isinstance(model, str): metainfo = ModelHub.get(model) config = metainfo.config if pretrained is True and metainfo.weights is not None: pretrained = metainfo.weights else: raise TypeError('model must be a name, a path or a Config object, ' f'but got {type(config)}') if pretrained is True: warnings.warn('Unable to find pre-defined checkpoint of the model.') pretrained = None elif pretrained is False: pretrained = None if kwargs: config.merge_from_dict({'model': kwargs}) config.model.setdefault('data_preprocessor', config.get('data_preprocessor', None)) from mmengine.registry import DefaultScope from mmpretrain.registry import MODELS with DefaultScope.overwrite_default_scope('mmpretrain'): model = dataset_meta = {} if pretrained: # Mapping the weights to GPU may cause unexpected video memory leak # which refers to from mmengine.runner import load_checkpoint if url_mapping is not None: pretrained = re.sub(url_mapping[0], url_mapping[1], pretrained) checkpoint = load_checkpoint(model, pretrained, map_location='cpu') if 'dataset_meta' in checkpoint.get('meta', {}): # mmpretrain 1.x dataset_meta = checkpoint['meta']['dataset_meta'] elif 'CLASSES' in checkpoint.get('meta', {}): # mmcls 0.x dataset_meta = {'classes': checkpoint['meta']['CLASSES']} if len(dataset_meta) == 0 and 'test_dataloader' in config: from mmpretrain.registry import DATASETS dataset_class = DATASETS.get(config.test_dataloader.dataset.type) dataset_meta = getattr(dataset_class, 'METAINFO', {}) if device_map is not None: model = dispatch_model( model, device_map=device_map, offload_folder=offload_folder) elif device is not None: model._dataset_meta = dataset_meta # save the dataset meta model._config = config # save the config in the model model._metainfo = metainfo # save the metainfo in the model model.eval() return model
def init_model(config, checkpoint=None, device=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a classifier from config file (deprecated). It's only for compatibility, please use :func:`get_model` instead. Args: config (str | :obj:`mmengine.Config`): Config file path or the config object. checkpoint (str, optional): Checkpoint path. If left as None, the model will not load any weights. device (str | torch.device | None): Transfer the model to the target device. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Other keyword arguments of the model config. Returns: nn.Module: The constructed model. """ return get_model(config, checkpoint, device, **kwargs)
[文档]def list_models(pattern=None, exclude_patterns=None, task=None) -> List[str]: """List all models available in MMPretrain. Args: pattern (str | None): A wildcard pattern to match model names. Defaults to None. exclude_patterns (list | None): A list of wildcard patterns to exclude names from the matched names. Defaults to None. task (str | none): The evaluation task of the model. Returns: List[str]: a list of model names. Examples: List all models: >>> from mmpretrain import list_models >>> list_models() List ResNet-50 models on ImageNet-1k dataset: >>> from mmpretrain import list_models >>> list_models('resnet*in1k') ['resnet50_8xb32_in1k', 'resnet50_8xb32-fp16_in1k', 'resnet50_8xb256-rsb-a1-600e_in1k', 'resnet50_8xb256-rsb-a2-300e_in1k', 'resnet50_8xb256-rsb-a3-100e_in1k'] List Swin-Transformer models trained from stratch and exclude Swin-Transformer-V2 models: >>> from mmpretrain import list_models >>> list_models('swin', exclude_patterns=['swinv2', '*-pre']) ['swin-base_16xb64_in1k', 'swin-base_3rdparty_in1k', 'swin-base_3rdparty_in1k-384', 'swin-large_8xb8_cub-384px', 'swin-small_16xb64_in1k', 'swin-small_3rdparty_in1k', 'swin-tiny_16xb64_in1k', 'swin-tiny_3rdparty_in1k'] List all EVA models for image classification task. >>> from mmpretrain import list_models >>> list_models('eva', task='Image Classification') ['eva-g-p14_30m-in21k-pre_3rdparty_in1k-336px', 'eva-g-p14_30m-in21k-pre_3rdparty_in1k-560px', 'eva-l-p14_mim-in21k-pre_3rdparty_in1k-196px', 'eva-l-p14_mim-in21k-pre_3rdparty_in1k-336px', 'eva-l-p14_mim-pre_3rdparty_in1k-196px', 'eva-l-p14_mim-pre_3rdparty_in1k-336px'] """ ModelHub._register_mmpretrain_models() matches = set(ModelHub._models_dict.keys()) if pattern is not None: # Always match keys with any postfix. matches = set(fnmatch.filter(matches, pattern + '*')) exclude_patterns = exclude_patterns or [] for exclude_pattern in exclude_patterns: exclude = set(fnmatch.filter(matches, exclude_pattern + '*')) matches = matches - exclude if task is not None: task_matches = [] for key in matches: metainfo = ModelHub._models_dict[key] if metainfo.results is None and task == 'null': task_matches.append(key) elif metainfo.results is None: continue elif task in [result.task for result in metainfo.results]: task_matches.append(key) matches = task_matches return sorted(list(matches))
[文档]def inference_model(model, *args, **kwargs): """Inference an image with the inferencer. Automatically select inferencer to inference according to the type of model. It's a shortcut for a quick start, and for advanced usage, please use the correspondding inferencer class. Here is the mapping from task to inferencer: - Image Classification: :class:`ImageClassificationInferencer` - Image Retrieval: :class:`ImageRetrievalInferencer` - Image Caption: :class:`ImageCaptionInferencer` - Visual Question Answering: :class:`VisualQuestionAnsweringInferencer` - Visual Grounding: :class:`VisualGroundingInferencer` - Text-To-Image Retrieval: :class:`TextToImageRetrievalInferencer` - Image-To-Text Retrieval: :class:`ImageToTextRetrievalInferencer` - NLVR: :class:`NLVRInferencer` Args: model (BaseModel | str | Config): The loaded model, the model name or the config of the model. *args: Positional arguments to call the inferencer. **kwargs: Other keyword arguments to initialize and call the correspondding inferencer. Returns: result (dict): The inference results. """ # noqa: E501 from mmengine.model import BaseModel if isinstance(model, BaseModel): metainfo = getattr(model, '_metainfo', None) else: metainfo = ModelHub.get(model) from inspect import signature from .image_caption import ImageCaptionInferencer from .image_classification import ImageClassificationInferencer from .image_retrieval import ImageRetrievalInferencer from .multimodal_retrieval import (ImageToTextRetrievalInferencer, TextToImageRetrievalInferencer) from .nlvr import NLVRInferencer from .visual_grounding import VisualGroundingInferencer from .visual_question_answering import VisualQuestionAnsweringInferencer task_mapping = { 'Image Classification': ImageClassificationInferencer, 'Image Retrieval': ImageRetrievalInferencer, 'Image Caption': ImageCaptionInferencer, 'Visual Question Answering': VisualQuestionAnsweringInferencer, 'Visual Grounding': VisualGroundingInferencer, 'Text-To-Image Retrieval': TextToImageRetrievalInferencer, 'Image-To-Text Retrieval': ImageToTextRetrievalInferencer, 'NLVR': NLVRInferencer, } inferencer_type = None if metainfo is not None and metainfo.results is not None: tasks = set(result.task for result in metainfo.results) inferencer_type = [ task_mapping.get(task) for task in tasks if task in task_mapping ] if len(inferencer_type) > 1: inferencer_names = [cls.__name__ for cls in inferencer_type] warnings.warn('The model supports multiple tasks, auto select ' f'{inferencer_names[0]}, you can also use other ' f'inferencer {inferencer_names} directly.') inferencer_type = inferencer_type[0] if inferencer_type is None: raise NotImplementedError('No available inferencer for the model') init_kwargs = { k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in list(kwargs) if k in signature(inferencer_type).parameters.keys() } inferencer = inferencer_type(model, **init_kwargs) return inferencer(*args, **kwargs)[0]
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