- class mmpretrain.models.heads.CSRAClsHead(num_classes, in_channels, num_heads, lam, init_cfg={'layer': 'Linear', 'std': 0.01, 'type': 'Normal'}, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class-specific residual attention classifier head.
Please refer to the Residual Attention: A Simple but Effective Method for Multi-Label Recognition (ICCV 2021) for details.
- Parameters:
num_classes (int) – Number of categories.
in_channels (int) – Number of channels in the input feature map.
num_heads (int) – Number of residual at tensor heads.
loss (dict) – Config of classification loss.
lam (float) – Lambda that combines global average and max pooling scores.
init_cfg (dict, optional) – The extra init config of layers. Defaults to use
dict(type='Normal', layer='Linear', std=0.01)